Restorative Care
Whether it's one problem tooth, several areas of concern, or teeth compromised by an accident, there are solutions to give you functional, beautiful teeth once again.
Perhaps the most common of all dental procedures is a filling. A variety of factors can contribute to the decay of a tooth surface which results in what is often referred to as a tooth ache.
In order to restore a tooth with decay, we start by removing decay, and then use tooth-colored filling material in order to make the tooth whole again. This helps prevent further decay and allows the tooth to be chewed on without any pain.
Sometimes decay can progresses further than what a simple filling is capable of restoring. In those cases, the doctor may recommend a crown or cap in order to restore the tooth.

Dental crowns are strong and stable "caps" that look just like normal teeth and are used in a few different scenarios to restore a tooth surface. One common scenario is when too much of a tooth surface has deteriorated from decay and can no longer benefit from a simple filling.
The procedure involves two short visits to the office:
At your first visit, we prepare your tooth for a crown. Before you leave, we'll make a temporary crown for your tooth while one of our high-quality local dental labs makes your permanent crown.
A short time after the first visit, the second visit is used to replace the temporary crown with the permanent crown from the lab.

Why use local dental labs?
It has recently become more common for dentists to try and cut costs and corners by using unregulated overseas labs. This practice leads to many more visits to the office, and more dollars being wasted on unnecessary repairs and remakes.
We understand how valuable a long-lasting smile is to our patients, so we only use the very best local dental labs. That results in fewer trips back to the office as well as better fitting and more natural looking teeth.
Root Canal Therapy
A root canal procedure may be needed if decay makes it to the innermost part of a tooth. This usually results in damage to the dental pulp - or the nerve of a tooth, which typically causes pain and swelling.
The root canal procedure removes the infected or dead nerve and the tooth is saved by using a crown to cap the remaining tooth structure.
In some cases, if the tooth can not be saved using root canal therapy, a dental implant may be needed to permanently replace the tooth.